OS Boot Priority

VIM4 is capable of booting from the following devices:

  • eMMC
  • SD Card
  • SPI Flash

The OS image can be burned into the eMMC, SD Card or SPI Flash.

The default boot priority is:

  1. SD Card
  2. eMMC
  3. SPI Flash

You can also swap the boot priority of the eMMC and SPI Flash via the KBI(Khadas Boot Instructions), but the SD Card will always take the highest priority.

  • Setting the priority of eMMC above SPI Flash
kvim4# kbi bootmode w emmc

Then the boot priority will become:

  1. SD Card
  2. eMMC
  3. SPI Flash
  • Setting the priority of SPI Flash above eMMC
kvim4# kbi bootmode w spi

Then the boot priority will become:

  1. SD Card
  2. SPI Flash
  3. eMMC