Hardware Encoding

This documentation will introduce how to use hardware encoding on VIM4.

Only support Amlgoic 5.4 Kernel.

H264 Hardware Encoding

$ aml_enc_test 1080p.nv12 dump.h264 1920 1080 30 30 6000000 100 1 0 2 4

The encoded file is dump.h264.

H265 Hardware Encoding

$ aml_enc_test 1080p.nv12 dump.h265 1920 1080 30 30 6000000 100 1 0 2 5

The encoded file is dump.h265.

JPEG Hardware Encoding

$ jpeg_enc_test 1080p.nv12 dump.jpg 1920 1080 100 3 0 16 16 0

The encoded file is dump.jpg.