Build U-Boot

Build U-Boot from source.

Fenix can build U-Boot with just a few commands. Refer to Build Ubuntu/Debian Images to setup the development environment.

Environment Setup

Choose your board (e.g. VIM4), U-Boot version, Linux version, system version, etc.

$ source

Two versions of U-Boot are supported:

    1. SoC Vendor: 2019.01 (old but has the best support)
    1. Mainline U-Boot (latest version, with missing functionality)

Choose the correct version for your requirements.


Build U-Boot binaries

Build U-Boot with a single command:

$ make uboot

The binaries are located in build/u-boot/fip/_tmp. You’ll need, u-boot.bin.signed, and u-boot.bin.spi.bin.signed.

  • - for burning to the SD card
  • u-boot.bin.signed - for burning to the eMMC
  • u-boot.bin.spi.bin.signed - for burning to the SPI Flash

Build U-Boot Debian package

You can also choose the Debian U-Boot package:

$ make uboot-deb

Debian packages are located in build/images/debs/{VERSION}/{BOARD}.

VERSION : refers to the Fenix version, e.g. 1.0.7
BOARD : refers to the Khadas SBC, e.g. VIM4

The folder location is build/images/debs/1.0.7/VIM4, and the Debian U-Boot package is linux-u-boot-xxx-xxx_xxx-xxx_arm64.deb.

  • SoC Vendor Debian U-Boot package: linux-u-boot-vim4-vendor_1.0.7-2019.01_arm64.deb
  • Mainline Debian U-Boot package: linux-u-boot-vim4-mainline_1.0.7-v2021.04_arm64.deb

See Also

Upgrading U-Boot